The deleteLoader() method allows you to delete the data loaded by a loader previously added to the app.



The loader unique id that is generated when the loader is added to the app.


import { RAGApplicationBuilder } from '@llm-tools/embedjs';

import { OpenAiEmbeddings } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-openai';

import { HNSWDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-hnswlib';

import { RedisStore } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-redis';

import { WebLoader } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-loader-web';

import { SitemapLoader } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-loader-sitemap';

const app = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()


.setEmbeddingModel(new OpenAiEmbeddings())

.setVectorDatabase(new HNSWDb())


    new RedisStore({

        host: this.configService.get('REDIS_HOST'),

        port: this.configService.get('REDIS_PORT'),

        password: this.configService.get('REDIS_PASSWORD'),




const { uniqueId: forbesId } = await app.addLoader(new WebLoader({ urlOrContent: '' }));

const { uniqueId: sitemapId } = await app.addLoader(new SitemapLoader({ url: '"' }));

await app.deleteLoader(forbesId);

If you do not have the uniqueId, you can use app.getLoaders() method to get all the loaders and extract the uniqueId from it.