You can load most images using an LLM to describe the contents of the image. This LLM by default is the one used with the application, but a special LLM can also be specified for the content description. To load images, follow the steps below.

Install Image addon

npm install @llm-tools/embedjs-loader-image


Load from a local file

import { RAGApplicationBuilder } from '@llm-tools/embedjs';

import { ImageLoader } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-loader-image';

import { OpenAiEmbeddings } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-openai';

import { HNSWDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-hnswlib';

const app = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()


.setEmbeddingModel(new OpenAiEmbeddings())

.setVectorDatabase(new HNSWDb())


app.addLoader(new ImageLoader({ filePathOrUrl: '/path/to/file.jpeg' }))