LibSQL is an open source fork of SQLite and in most cases it is a drop in replacement for SQLite. It has native in-built support for vector similarity search. Read more about LibSQL’s support for AI here. You can run LibSQL locally with EmbedJs and is available via the LibSQL extension for embedJs.

LibSql can also be used to store conversations and other data generated in embedJs. This is done via the LibSqlStore available in the LibSQL extension for embedJs. Read more about it here

Install LibSQL addon

npm install @llm-tools/embedjs-libsql


import { RAGApplicationBuilder } from '@llm-tools/embedjs';

import { OpenAiEmbeddings } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-openai';

import { WebLoader } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-loader-web';

import { LibSqlDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs-libsql';

// set OPENAI_API_KEY in your env

process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY = "sk-xxx";

const app = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()

.setVectorDatabase(new LibSqlDb({ path: './data.db' }))

.setEmbeddingModel(new OpenAiEmbeddings())



//add data source and start query it

await app.addLoader(new WebLoader({ urlOrContent: '' }));

await app.query('Tell me about Elon Musk');

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